Book Reviews

Book Review 1

Book Name: Ministry Gifts (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers)

Author: Dr. A.L. Gill

A.L. Gill has a Master of Theological Studies degree. A.L. has an earned Doctor of Philosophy in Theology degree. He is a wonderful teacher and preacher, his ministry is functioning in 90 countries. He is known as Preaching, teaching, and healing ministry all over the world. Which challenging news for a contemporary theologian student. As a theological student, I can understand the problem of our beliefs and scientifically believe. Many theological criticizing today miracle workers who are doing a miracle in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let's starts our Journey with this book and we will try to understand the author's view.

                                                 The Ministry Gifts : Internet Bible College

Gill Emphasises on Fivefold ministry, according to Ephesians 4:8-11. The Gifts God gave to churches or believers both man and woman; which called five-fold ministries. It is the plan of God. All believers; who are called the soldier of God, they all very important in the kingdom of God.  

Ministry Gifts: 

                                               THE FIVE FOLD MINISTRIES | Holy Bride Saints

The purpose of Gifts: 

* Prepare God's people for works of service
* Build up the body of Christ
* Bring the body to unity in the faith
* Teach the knowledge of the Son of God
* Bring believers to a place of maturity
* Bring to the fullness of Christ

Jesus teaches and prepared his disciples about these gifts and how to operative it in this world. AL criticized theoretical knowledge and much emphasizing on the practical spiritual life. Gifts are for God's plan and purpose, which is helping a believer to be a mature Christian. It is not just titled but it is the function. They are all chosen by God, not by any man. God appointed them what they will do and where they will operate these gifts. Our work should follow the instructions of the holy spirit. We are the servants of Christ's body. Jesus fulfilled with each ministry gifts: He was an Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Shepherd/pastor, and Evangelist/Preacher.

Ministry Gifts are today: 

Jesus gives the Ministry gifts to the church according to their maturity, and it will continue un till the second coming of Jesus. It is the inner witness of the holy spirit or evidence of the divine call, so we no need to prove ourselves that I filled by the holy spirit. All five gifts are functioning together as like our all fingers. To fulfill god's purpose, they need to stay together and help one another.

Elder and Deacon and the Fivefold ministries: 

They are called for ruling and service by god and confirmed by the apostles.  They are must able to teach, preach, and having good examples of life. They are the observers of the local church. The elders are recognized by his calling, gifting, anointing, vision, and ability to lead. They are in the church: Messanger, True Companion, Leading, and the Headship of the Church.

Ministry of the Apostles:  

Apostles are authorized to the established church by the strong foundation of God's word. They are directly called by Lord Jesus, Paul and all the disciples are directly called by Jesus Christ. That means they have a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, for example, Paul has seen Jesus. An Apostles can function all gifts to prepare God's peoples

The qualification of an apostle:

* They are mostly elders in the church, which means they have well maturity.
* They must have a heart like a true father.
* They must do signs, wonders, and miracles in his ministry.
* They must walk with humanity.
* They must write or speak with authority to the church.
* They must have a servant's heart.

The work of apostle: 

* Establishing a new church
* Laying Foundation (With Word of God)
* Establishing Bible School
* Strengthing the churches
* Appointing and ordain elders
* Approve and ordain a deacon
* Confirm God's call
* Impart spiritual Gifts

Recognize of an apostle: 

* By existing Church
* By his Ministry
* By his Work
* By a Prophet
* by Himself

Ministry of the Prophet:

A prophet is one who speaks for God. A prophet has been given the distinctive ministry of representing God before men. This revelation, while in total harmony with Scripture., The gift of prophecy can judge by the word of God. 

The work of Prophet:

* Direction
* Confirm guidance and vision
* Give insight into the Word of God
* Tell facts about people's lives
* Rebuke
* Judge
* Correct
* Warn
* Reveal future events

The ministry of Prophet today: 

* Brings Revelation
* Brings Vision
* Gives Warning
* Strengthens -- Encourages – Comforts
* Grounds and Establishes
* Confirms Calling
* Works with Others

We must recognize false prophets, beware from them; they come with wrong motives for their own benefits. In this situation, the holy spirit will talk to us from our inner hearts.



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