Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Mantosh Giri


Every year the second Sunday of May, the whole world celebrating as mother's day. A mother is a first friend of her child, with whom she or he can share their all emotion. This day to make our mom feel special. Motherhood is the best part of any women’s life. Only a mother can bring a life into this world; not only a new life but, along with she brings joy and new hope for all. A mother's life is full of pain and sacrifice; before a mother; she also a daughter, spouse, and daughter-in-law in a family. Not only motherhood but, taking care of the family is her key responsibility. The number of World mothers today about 1.43 billion. Though they are the key figures of society, still they don’t get enough respect, it causes may be; she is a woman, and our society considers her as a weaker personality then man. Today many mother’s voices have been press, due to pressure of the male-dominant practice.

 History of Mother's Day

Many people believe mother day celebrated first in AD 1908. in US. A woman called Anna Jarvis, held a memorial service for her mother at St. Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton in West Virginia.   It was the desire of her mother, after her death, they shall arrange a  memorial service for her remembrance. Now the whole world is following her mother's desire. Later Anna established a mother day's club, to address the health issues of wounded soldiers. After nine years, the US president  Woodrow Wilson declared, every second Sunday of May would celebrate as mother's day. Many people criticized Anna, but she told, it was not her intention.
To be a Mother

The word mother has relational meaning with her child. This relation starts with giving birth to a child. This great designation only reserve for a female-only. A child feels secure with his/her mother; they know very well my mother is in my support. The worlds running today, because of mothers; not only humans but all creatures are coming under it. The journey of motherhood started, with a loving physical relationship between male and female; and that female decided in her mind; I will give birth a child; she decides, in her heart, I will bear all pain of motherhood; she thinks, if through my pain a new life able to come into this world and it will be the causes of joy to all, then I will go through all kinds of pain.

The Characteristics of a mother

A mother’s characters come with an emotional attachment: love, care, patient, sympathy, empathy, and various responsibilities.  The mother is special because she does everything to make others happy without any complaint.  The mother is like the main pillar of a house, if it’s broken, everyone will be affected. A mother like a shelter for her child.

Challenges  of a Mother

Whole over the world around 22 million children living with single a parent. Around 19 million children living with a single mom. The causes of single parenting might be; a family breakdown, partner’s death, or pre-marital love breakdown.  The single moms always face emotional challenges (guild and blame), work-life- challenges, financial strain, and responsibilities fatigue. All mothers feel fatigued and back pain, due to various responsibilities. A mother needs mental, psychical support from her family during and after pregnancy; because she was gone through many physical changes. Weakness,  lack of nutrition is the major issue of her, so she needs enough rest and proper nutrition food. World mother's death rate today,  211 mothers are facing deaths per 100,000 live births; the causes of death is, the lack of nutrition and lack of medical facilities.

What the Bible Says About Mother?

In God’s creation, only females have the power,  to bear a child in her womb. A mother can be the best example of God's love; Isaiah 66:13 tells us  "As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you." A godly mother, can be a great influence if they train their children with God's word. If godly mother; walks according to God's way with a disciplined life; then her children are raised up, and they call her blessed. God honors a woman through a child; it is the greatest gift for her but it is also a heritage of God. So she needs to care for her child in a responsible way.  According to the bible, a child should obey, respect, and care to her/his mother, that is the greatest responsibility of a child. Our Lord came to this world through a woman; God gave an opportunity to Mary, to become our Lord's mother, in that way Jesus respecting His mother and all women. On the cross, Jesus gave his mother's responsibility to John. Today we can see when a mother becomes old, nobody respects her, and nobody care for her, this is the greatest sin against God. 


In this mother's day, Let's remember our mother and their sacrifices, if we did any mistake against her, let's ask her forgiveness; let's serve her, make her happy; let's pray for our mother and thank God for her life. When a mother becomes happy and gives her blessing to her child, it is a great achievement for any child, because our mother with us not always; one day surely we gonna miss her presence. May God bless you.


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