Why Jesus was teaching to the people of Israel through Parable?

Matthew: 13:10-17

Mantosh Giri

It Because of their doubt in the Lord. Jewish people were mainly traditional people. They thought only through obeying the Mosaic Law, they can satisfy God, but their heart was far away from God. God was unhappy with their ritual practice because they were involved in injustice, and sinful work to the poor, widow, orphan, and women. Due to their injustice work, God punished the Jewish people, which we could see in the Old Testament.

Matthew presented Jesus as KING. We could see the situation of Jewish people in this particular chapter. The context was Jewish leaders involved in state politics, and general citizens are facing problems from both Roman Empires (Financially: Tax) & Jewish Leader (Socially, Religiously). They were waiting for a Messiah, who will come, and give them relief from all kinds’ pain.

But when they see Jesus Christ, their expectation has become very high, it because of Jesus’ work of power and teaching. They thought Jesus will be the King, and he will bring peace in their life. Their views were about Jesus fully materialistic. But Jesus’ views of his Kingship and the Kingdom of God is fully futuristic; but in a spiritual sense, it is now, here, and physically yet to come.
Due to their pain, and high expectations they failed to understand the teaching of the kingdom of God. They heard, and they have seen the power of God, but they could not able to follow Jesus, because of their worldly nature.  That’s why Jesus taught them through different kinds of parables.

In the present context we can say that, Many times we unable to keep our faith in Jesus due to our: Doubt, Worldly Knowledge, Ego, Self-centered life, Greedy, High expectations to become rich, bad habits, Jealous, Pride, and thinking or doing badly towards others. It makes us a worldly nature person. It blinds our eyes, dulls our heart, and closes our ears so that we cannot listen, and understand the word of God. This is the problem of today’s Church or Christian. People are coming to church, but they live an ungodly life. They became a traditional Christian, without the transformation of life. But Jesus loves them; he wants them also to be a part of the kingdom of God.  How much Jesus did hard work for them, He traveled to so many places for them, he performed the miracle, day-night He taught them about the Kingdom of God, He prayed for them and Finally, He used parables so that the people will understand about the secrets of the kingdom of Heaven. Not only that Jesus cried for them; said from the cross “Father forgive them.” Luke 19:10 says “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

 Jesus loves to all.  Shall we come to Jesus? He ready to forgive us today!


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