Serve First, and Lead Second (Servant Leadership)


Serve First, and Lead Second 

          Mantosh Giri


A few years ago I visited one of the Buddhist temples in Bhubaneswar, before entering the temple, I have seen one man set over there, and he washed my feet with the water. In John Chapter 13:4-14 we could see the most familiar passage, Jesus washing the feet of His Disciples. Though Jesus is the Son of God and a great leader on earth, but He shows His highest servant-hood nature in action. It leads to entitle my topic "Serve first, and lead second."

Verse Analyze:

V.V.  4-6, Jesus demonstrated Himself as a servant Lord, as he started washing the feet of disciples.

V.V.  7-10, we could see the conversation between Peter and Jesus, at first Peter, doesn't want to allow the Lord to wash his feet, but Jesus answered to Peter, “Unless I wash you, you have no share with me” (V. 8). In verse 10v. Jesus told to Peter “And you are clean, though not all of you”. These can be interpreted as one way, peter cleanses from his all kinds of sin as he obeys and flowed the Lord, which will be complete by Crucifixion of our Lord and another way clenching is can be interpreted as an ongoing process in the world, It is demonstrated here as foot washing. 

In 10b-11 v.v. Jesus indicted to Judah, who doesn’t have good relation with Him, Jesus told about him he is not clean.

V.V.  13-15 Jesus asked the disciples; have they understood what the teacher or Lord has done. Verse 14 Parallelly connects with all drama what Jesus deed just now, in an opposite sense. Jesus said, “if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet”.

Theological Reflection

The tradition of washing feet deeply rooted in Indian culture. It is a symbol of cleansing and purification. Before entire into a house, temple, or before prayer taking bath, washing feet is the familiar practice that we are following in our day-to-day ritual life. It is for peace of mind and scientifically it is an act of sanitation. Nowadays due to Covid-19 the word sanitation is very popular among us. In the Israelites context, we could see the washing feet tradition was deeply rooted in their culture. In Ancient Near East, foot-washing culture was one of the daily activities within the Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt people. The people used water to wash the feet of visitors as a form of greeting and as an expression of hospitality. In the Old Testament, it was customary to wash one’s feet to purify oneself prior to performing religious sacrifices.

In John Chapter 13:4-14, the foot washing act of Jesus can be interpreted from both ethical and spiritual point of view. Traditionally long-time Churches are practicing it, as a symbol of love, kindness, and humbleness. Foot washing in Jewish culture; is the work of a servant. In a narrow way in that meeting: The servant was missing, but our Lord/Leader becomes a servant. And secondly, we could see, Jesus washing the feet of disciples. I don’t think so only the disciples are the followers of Jesus, there are others too, but here only the disciples are highlighted. Why Jesus has chosen only the disciples?

In order to understand it, we need to look at their views on the kingdom of God:

Jesus views about the kingdom of God in a spiritual sense. According to Him, the kingdom of God is here, now, and physical, yet to come. The disciples are the instruments of the Jesus futuristic Mission in this world. This is followed by the power of the Holy Spirit in coming days.

Disciples views of the Kingdom of God is now, in physical, power, and rule. Their vies were in a materialistic sense. Recently they argued among themselves in (Luke 22:24) as to which of them was the greatest. Of course later they able to understand it.

We could see the center meaning of the Drama in verse v. 14 “What Master deeds to you also do to one another” Master washed their feet and Master wants now they also will wash feet to one another. Why master does it to the upcoming ladder, it because, to be an example. Master himself told “Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:35–45). Master’s days on this earth are going to finish very soon, and the leadership of Jesus’ mission going to transfer to his disciple. They learn from the Lord many things, they have seen the masters’ life, and the work of power, now they are expiring the master’s teaching in a practical way of servant-hood. Jesus doesn’t want us must wash other’s feet, Jesus wants to teach them about servant leadership, and how a servant leader walks in his world with Humility, Humbly and Exemplary life. 


Whenever we look at someone’s face, one image come to our mind about that person, likewise: a good, bad, dirty, beautiful, disciplinary person, etc.  Same way servant leadership is an Image, it reflects through our work in people’s minds. Though we didn’t see Jesus, but we can imagine in our mind, Jesus’ servant-hood nature. There is a big question; is servant-leader important in this modern age. Humbly I would like to say a big yes. A servant leadership philosophy is unique. Nowadays few multinational companies & organizations following the servant leadership philosophy: Tata group, The Container Store, Marriott International, Starbucks, Nordstrom's, SAS, Wegmans Food Market,, Nugget Market, Recreational Equipment (REI), Whole Foods Market, QuikTrip, Balfour Beatty Construction, TD Industries, Aflac, Men’s Wearhouse, CH2M Hill, Darden Restaurants Compassion international. "According to Robert K. Greenleaf, It’s a beautiful balance between results and our relationships. It also creates a whole new world ecosystem around us; it creates better employees and better citizens for the world."

What is Servant Leadership?

To understand servant leadership we need to understand the term Leadership. We all experienced leadership in our life from our childhood, like a: elder brother & sister, in school & collages, among the friends & families, as parents or in the workplace, etc. In the western Indian context, it can be understood as Emperors, Kings, High Priests, Pastor, Commanders, Captains, and Chiefs, etc). The classical view of leadership is that power and authority flow from above. So far we understood leadership related to power & authority, which can control fellow employees or people. But, the question is why a servant leader is needed now? It because the Leaders are failing to use their power wisely, because of the dominance of ego over the mind, hatred, anger, greed, & vanity. For any organization to grow: quality, trust, creativity, collaboration, and service are the essential source.

A person cannot give his/her 100% to fulfill the organizational goal without invoking-spirit, enthusiasm, vitality, inspiration, and motivation. This will be a great loss for any organization to fulfill the main goal.  We are all in an organization: either its church or family or community. We are all following certain rules in our organization, we have certain goals, and we all have a leader. Servant leadership critically analyzed the behavior of a leader and fulfills that gape with a new philosophy and practice for a better community and a better world. 

How to Servant Leadership Function?

Servant leadership cannot force, but it is a choice. It’s a practice. It is emphasized the people first.  Servant leadership is about freedom first and works second. A servant leader is someone who invests in the life of another person to be extent other people become: wiser, richer, healthier, wealthier, happier, and more famous than himself or herself. In an organizational context, the employee first, above the self-interest of the leader. We are surrounded by people, some people we like, and some we don't. In such condition how the servant leadership grows: It goes like this, demonstrating conceptual skills, empowerment, emotional healing, putting others first, behaving ethically, helping others grow and succeed, and creating value for the community. Servant leadership is not a top to down attitude, but it is opposite down to top. As a Christian leader, Prayer, Reading bible or Character formation is not enough, but we need to learn about the servant-hood in our day-to-day life to be a better servant leader. A servant leader able to connect with others through his/her service, but ego disconnect with others. Servant leadership is strong leadership, like Jesus.

How can a Servant Leader Bring Change?

If we ask the young generation; what kind of leader you are looking for at your Job, He/she will never say The routed Person or Egocentric, or dominant leader. His or her expectation might be: a leader should not abuse his power; but view himself like a servant, Not dictatorship, but a partner in the process; but not deplorable delegation, but give them the freedom to do their job; Not lack of listening, but exercising John 13 posture; Not micro-managing, but letting go with affirmation; not ego, but empowerment to other; not using to people, but serving to people. A  servant leader makes the organization an institution, where they can grow and nurture themselves. In an organization, we found two kinds of people: the first one working from the heart and second one working as routine. According to Douglas Mc Gregor, when workers will get motivated & satisfy in an organization: They will take responsibility; they have willing to work, they can exercise creativity and solve the problem. Servant leadership impacts the world because they are more creative. The new generation wants to work under servant leaders. It is true that a plant cannot grow inside the jar. It developed an experimental mindset and give psychological safety.

What should Leader do to become a Servant Leader?

A leader must be serving first and lead second. Instate of focusing on success, money, or recognizing, need to focus on the goal. He/she must have an experimental mindset, friendly Behavior, exemplary personality, taking feedback from workers, lead from heart, and must have a 360-degree view.  It is an act with a long process for the transformation. It’s about listening to others empathetically and understandingly.


So far we able to see that, the importance of servant-hood by looking at John Ch 13:6-10. This servant was none other than, but our Lord Jesus. He serves the people with love and compassion. But he never neglected his co-worker fellow disciple. Disciple are may be tried, they may miss their family or friends, but Jesus understands their emotion he washed their feet.  In the present context, many want to be a leader, but very few want to be a servant. But in this new generation, a servant leader is most important & successful, under whom people want to work and developed themselves holistically. The servant-leader is the demand of the new age for a better community and better world.  It should practice in our Christian institutions, Churches, and organizations too. As we call to lead the people in various ministerial aspects, shall we accept it as a servant, shall we learn, shell we devolve it to be a better servant?


                The End



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