The Interpretation of God's Judgement from the Psalm in Indian Context

The Interpretation of God's Judgement from

 thePsalm in Indian Context

(Mantosh Giri)

The Terms of Judge in Psalm

In all religion, the word Judge is very popular.  As Christian we are also familiar with two characters of God, one God is Merciful, and second is God Is Judge. The word Judge refers to the sovereignty nature of God. According to NRSV interpretation The word Judge used in bible 276 times. In the Old Testament, it is used 140 times and in the New Testament, it used 883 time and psalms it used 20 times, word Judgment used in Psalm 12 times, word Justice used in psalm 23 times, the word Justified used in psalm 1 time and the unjust word used in Psalm 3 times. The word Justice n bible with metaphorical or figurative languages used in positive/negative (Ex: Positive: Shield, refuge, strength, restore;  Negative: Crash, Distraction ).   The word Judge used both the terms of God (Elohim) and gods (Elohim: pagan gods, ruler, Judges, and for the Authority). It’s a kind of Court setup. In Psalm, we could see God's Justice over rulers, nations for his own people Israel. The causes of Justice are the wicked nature of people and the ruler, they are failed to maintain God's rightness among them. They are failed to do God's justice towards widow, women, weaker one, and the children. The leaders are fully corrupted, they continuously doing injustice to common people; they become oppressors.  In Indian context we could see, most leaders are corrupted in all kinds of community setup, either it is in Panchyat, or  Churches and organizations.

Appeal to the Righteous Judge

In Psalm chapter 7, we could see David was politically and falsely accused by a man called Cush. Cush was from Benjamaite tribe (Ps. 7:1-2) King Soul belongs to the same tribe. Though David was with the capacity to fight against Cush. It could not ignore, David was a great warrior. In 1st Samuel 25:13, we could see David also has a good number of fighting people group. Although he has the opportunity to do all things, he did not take any revenge against Cush. According to Paul’s teaching,  Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. No, if your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Roman 12:19-21).” rather then he gives all things as plea (document) into the hand of God. Not only that he puts himself into God’s court, and telling Him, “if there is wrong in my hands… Lay my soul in the dust (Judge me, destroy me) Ps. 7:3-5. “David does not claim about himself, morally perfect. In the Indian context, many times we try to show them fully perfect and they Judge others, some they use false accusations against others. The psalmist appeal to righteous Judge (God) through his actions in the word “Arise and awake” (echo: an ancient Israelite battle cry; Num 13:15, 3:7, 17:13, and 35:23). The psalmist invited the Lord to judge this man who did false accusations against him (Ps. 7:6-9).  In (Ps 7:10-17) Psalmist showing through his statement his full trust in Lord. In the Indian context, we could see communal violence against minorities (Muslim, Hindu). All violence looks spontaneous, but it is not true. The atmosphere of hatred always created by Communal forces. It’s made by propagating social common sense, It may be related to historical and cultural value. Example: Tablighi Jamaat Muslim religious group, together for their annual event in Delhi's Nizamuddin Markaz Mosque 13-15 March 2020. The communal forces made this gathering as the causes of spreading Covid-19 cases in India. Muslims are targeted with false accusations about their intention against India.  But it is not true, Before Jamaat gathering, Kanika Kapur also found positive,  US President  Donal Trump came with huge gathering; and also Kerala was already suffering through  COVID-19 positive cases. Than how only Tablighi Jamaat Muslims are targeted alone? Rename the cities of North Indian by UP Government, Mughalsarai-Deen Dayal Upadhyay Tehsil, Faizabad-Ayodhya and Allahabad-Prayagraj and they planning to change the name Agra-Agravan, other cities are in an upcoming list. On 5 June in Odisha, A 14-year-old Christian boy was allegedly crushed to death with stone by a group of people in Odisha's Malkangiri. Police sources said the killing was due to suspect of practicing witchcraft. In 2008 Kandhamal violence, The Maoist leader claimed responsibility for the murder of Laxmanananda, but the innocent Adivashi are killed through false propagating. After 1980 Christian are mostly attacked by communal forces, but in all times Adivasi Christian are targeted. During Kandhamal violence, mostly Hindus are satisfying with the killing of Christianity.  If the situation is become out of control, As a Christian what we should do? According to Psalmist, we need to keep God righteous among us, and secondly, we need to pray with hope. “For there is no authority except God, and those that exist have been instituted by God (Romans 13:1 )”.  Some are giving their life because there is no place for them, except heaven, because of their decision and it causes of struggle.

Picture of God’s Judgement to Judges (Nations)

Psalm 82, it is the picture of God’s Judgement to Judges (Ruler, kings, authority, Teachers). We could see in (v. 1) about the divine council. It kind of court setup, but not to Judge common people, rather than Judges. Judges refer here plural form gods (Elohim). According New American standard bible Exhaustive concordance of the Bible, Word God (Almighty)  2326 times, gods 204 (Pagan, ruler) both are written as Elohim. When God gave any authority to humans, it should be with a responsibility to do right, without showing favoritism or special preference. I (v. 5) Justiceword used as Metaforical way (all the foundation of the earth shaken), it means justice and righteousness is the foundation of the world. Verse 6 talking about the gods you will die like mortals and fall like any prince. It because they fail to do keep God's justice and righteousness on the earth, they forgot their divine appointment. Now they accountable for the ultimate Judge.  All the verses and v. 8 talking God’s universe sovereignty as the judge of the whole world.  In (Isa 19:25)  word of God tell us “Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel is my heritage”. As Indian religious pluralistic contexts, we are all same in front of God. As a Church,  we need to humble before God, need to change our attitude towards other faith. A few days ago in our Baptist Organaiztion Covid-19 relief came. I was asked by them to make all projects and reports. I mention all affected people (All religious people). When relief packages came, they only concentrate on their Church. But I requested them to help all the migrant home returning worker on road. First, they denied it, with this argument “at first we need to help own Baptist people”. But after a few days, they started to give relief to Migrant workers.

God Judges His people

Finally I would like to talk Psalm 50, it is with the theme  “God Judges His people” the author of this poem Asaph the seer. ( Seer meaning: Those who have individual vision and dreams had an encounter with the leaving God, experience the reality of the presence of the Lord, they responsive of holy spirit others can not see this). According to 2nd Chronicle 29:30  Asaph was a worship leader and composer. He wrote 12 poems in the Psalm. King David appointed him as singers, music composers, and musicians to lead the worship of the people of God in Tente of meetings (Temple was not built yet). 1-6 seer is speaking, from Verse seven The Lord speaking. We could see in (v16) Isreal are God’s Covenant people. In verse 14-15 we could see, Isreal is supposed to true worshippers of God. In verse 17-22  we could see, Israelites are disobedient people. The setting of Psalm 50  is a court where God Sits on His throne as Judge.  It was similar to (Isa 1:14).  The cause of God pronouncing Judge to Isreal, because of their disobedience to the covenant law.  In v.1 we can see God's mighty authority as a speaker like a summons in court to appear in His court.  The place of Judgment Zion (v.2  and 48:2). The heaven and earth the witnesses to the original covenant (50:4, Deut 4:26, 30:19). God then gives the order people v.5. God chooses His people to maintain His righteousness by obeying God. In (vv. 7-15), we could see, God appreciates their offering first, but Israel's problem was they are giving sacrifice in the terms of feeding him, they comparing God like other gods. So God reminding them of all things created by me, and I no need to eat blood or meet vv.9-13. God telling to Isreal, offer Him to true sacrifice to Him (Thanks giving and pay their vows). The true Sacrifice meaning to honor God through fulfilling all commitment from the heart. In (vv 16-21), we could see, the Judge address the wicket nature of Israel. They recite his laws and speaks his covenant value, but they ignore God's words. They make friends with the thief. Theif refers to the oppressor to oppress to grow in rich. They are joining adultery (spiritual meaning worshiping other gods Jer 5:7, Hos, 4:13-15).  Telling lies about their brother v. 19. Finally, v. 21  says God will not Silent (Silent can be referred to Merciful). In verse 22-23,  He called his people to think deeply about their motives. In today's context as are a servant of God, we are doing all ritual things; Are we really ready to listen to our God, from our heart? 









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