An Introduction to the New Testament

An Introduction to the New Testament

                                       Mantosh Giri


We celebrate two important events in Church calendar; (Ascension of Christ) and Pentecostal (the coming of the holy spirit). It is the mark for the beginning of the church. Acts Chapter 2, is the beginning of 'The Growth of the Church, ' this insignificant story was done in the Jews set up and the moment in the Roman Empire. In the book of acts, we can see the sequence of Jesus of Nazareth, and that story began in four Gospels. The History of Jesus: He Born between 4-6 BCE (Before the Christian Era) and He died around 30CE. The tradition of Jesus, words, and work used by the teachers and preachers in Churches. The teachings, miracles, and the instructions of Jesus recorded by both disciples and who opposed him.

Generally, it accepted the Gospel of Mark written first. It's doesn't have any introductory or intensive narrative; rather than Jesus's three years ministry, packed in the first ten chapters. Jesus's teaching was the teaching of repentance and the kingdom of God. The performance of miracles healing and deliverance was the back-up of His teachings. He was in Galilee, moving to the Canon region before moving into Jerusalem last time. He was opposed by the Jews leaders; because he challenged wrong teachings. Mark Chapter 11-16, it is written about Jesus' final week, begging with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Beginning, the final event of Jesus; leaders ask about his identity, his betrayal, Trail, death on the cross, and in three days restriction.

Matthew and Luke following mark account, Matthew follow marks basic structure of the Jesus’ ministry, but it fixing in five teaching section. (CH 5-7, 10, 13, 18, 24-25). Matthew writes from the Jewish point of view, the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. His invitation was to speak Jews; Jesus is the promised Son of David Messiah.

Luke also follows the structure of Mark and the teaching of Matthew. He wrote his gospel from women, children, poor, tax collectors, and Samaritan point of view. Matthew wrote the genealogy of Jesus from Abraham, but in Luke from Adam (Human). Luke thought was Jesus is the Jewish promised messiah and the savior of the world. 

First, the Gospel called Synoptic (Seeing together). Jesus was presented primarily presented as a teacher, the kingdom of God at his hand and Israel need to prepare for his coming. He rejected by the Jews Leader, who manipulated the whole system, and have him executed by the Roman authority. But he was indicated when God raised him from the dead. Resurrection day and deed Mark the beginning of the new age, new heaven, new earth described in revelation 21. 

The fourth Gospel. It's structure-wise different from other gospel in many ways. The focus in Jerusalem rather than Galilee. Instate of parable Jesus teaching is written, All the sing refers to Jesus 's Identity.  Book of Sings (Ch 1-12), a book of glory (Ch 14-20). Prolog Ch 1 (1-18), The epilog  Ch21, and I am Saying, Discourses, Jesus is the High Priest (John 17), Missional statement 20:30-31. All four gospel stats that Jesus is messiah, you may have life by believing in him. 

Jesus Story is continued after his ascension in book of Acts, Luke is the author focusing on Church Growth in Jerusalem and Judea (Acts 1: 1-6:7, Galilee and Samriah 6:-9:31,  Antioch (Center of gentile Christianity and the lunching paid for the Christian mission for the region around (9:32- 12:24), Asia 12:25 -16:5, Europe 16:6-19:20, and Rome  19:21 to the end of the book.

 The second half book of the focusing by the apostle Paul provides information about the churches which he founded to whom he wrote his letter. Paul was a missionary pastor. Once he confronted by the Lord through a vision on the road f Damascus. He felt the call to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the gentiles. This he deeds by traveling to the Asia Minor, and the Europe region. People are responding to his through their faith, he nurturing them by spending time with them, organizing them as self-governing bodies of the believers before moving on. More than that he kept touch with them, prayed for them, and visit them as able. When he was unable to visit, he wrote a letter to encourage them, advise the and instruct then. The police copies constructed in 13 letters. Paul written letter to Reign of the Christian community in Galatians, Corinthians, Philippi, Colossians, Theslonician, Efisis, and Rome. Four letters are addressed to individuals. Luke records a few informations on Paul's mission in the book of Acts, but he wrote many of the informations in his own letters. The Christian community looks in Paul's letter as pastoral care and advice. They are largely from the genital background, Paul gave lots of effort to encourage and instruct them regarding the Jewish root of their faith in the context of largely religious pluralism and the empiricism.  The pastor Paul was a thinker, he believes our conduct reflects the basic pattern of thinking and world view. He believes when people grew up their thinks safe by influences through various pressure of the home, society, and the world view. When people come to faith in Christ the process began of thinking gradually it's safe by the gospel of Christ. But it happens person to person, in Corinthians 3:1-3 Paul taking their behavior betrayed their immaturity. They suppose to have solid food, but they not ready to have milk. In the same way, he is talking to Christian to set their lives for the things of the above. They need to come up with the new attitude of their mind. 

Paul's letter written in different contexts and issues. Apart from it normally we found the theological section; that theology can apply to ethical and practical matters. Through Paul’s letters, we could see Paul was heated by Jewish Christian because he added gentiles into Christianity. Jewish wanted, the gentiles should follow Jewish calendars, culture, circumcision tradition, but the Paul insisted this was not necessary (2 Corinthians 11:5; Acts 17:1-9 1Thelonicaian 2:1-10, 17 -3:10). Judaism issue we found in paganism and idolatry context (1 Corinthian 8:1-11:1), Paul deal with food-related issues in Corinthians because foods are offered to idol first before it sold in the market, Christian questions, is it acceptable to eat, for the inner of the local diets. But emphatically insist  there is one God; Strong Christians argue against weak Christian  (Gentiles) (Romans 14:1 -15:6). Paul also deals with social issues, like slaves master relationship (Colossians 3:22, 4:5). Paul emphasizes brotherhood relationships among Christianity (Galatians 3:28, Colossian 3:11).  

Letter of Hebrew address to the Jewish Christians, who have been pressurized to abandoned for their faith in Jesus as messiah and return to the Jewish’ root. The letter John, Jude, peter addressed to the suffering of their faith. James encouraging the readers, suffering for the faith is a test; and focuses on how Christian faith lifts out on a daily basis. The themes of peter's letter, Hope in the midst of suffering, Jesus is the Hope, Lord, and Savior. The letter of John, related to false teaching is a result of disunity.

The book of revelation address to readership, it is written in an apocalyptic way for the encouragement of church in the mixed of persecution with the confidence the days would come to the evil power will judge and peace will be assure in. it closes with the glorious vision the new heaven and new earth and God dwelling among with is people ( Revelation 21-22).



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