
Showing posts from May, 2020

Ravi Zacharias, Now with Jesus

Good-Bye Ravi! Ravi Zacharias, well known in the Christian world, because of his challenging way of message delivery. He is no more with us, he passed away on 19th May 2020. 

Pandemic and Bible

A Christian Should Apologetic

Christian View of Homosexuality

Happy Mother’s Day

                       Happy Mother’s Day Mantosh Giri Introduction Every year the second Sunday of May, the whole world celebrating as mother's day. A mother is a first friend of her child, with whom she or he can share their all emotion. This day to make our mom feel special. Motherhood is the best part of any women’s life. Only a mother can bring a life into this world; not only a new life but, along with she brings joy and new hope for all. A mother's life is full of pain and sacrifice; before a mother; she also a daughter, spouse, and daughter-in-law in a family. Not only motherhood but, taking care of the family is her key responsibility. The number of World mothers today about 1.43 billion. Though they are the key figures of society, still they don’t get enough respect, it causes may be; she is a woman, and our society considers her as a weaker personality then man. Today many mother’s voices have been press, due to pressure of the male-dominant practi




News Analysis

Fani Cyclone Report

FANI CYCLONE REPORT - 2019  (By Mantosh Giri)  Odisha is known as the disaster capital in India; Cyclones are the main causes of huge damage in the eastern part of Odisha, which is situated near the Bay of Bengal. Major Strom/Cyclone hit Odisha last few years: Super Cyclone 1999, Phailin 2013, Hudhud 2014, Title 2018 and Fani 2019. Every year during April to June month Cyclone is formed in the Bay of Bengal and the northern Indian Ocean.  Tropical Cyclone Fani:  According to India Meteorological Department (IMD) the Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm „FANI‟ made landfall on the Odisha Coast on 03.05.2019 at 8 a.m.; the wind speed was 200 kph (124 mph). The cyclone Fani, one of the strongest cyclones in the last 20 years. A Low-pressure area was formed over east equatorial Indian Ocean (EIO) and adjoining southeast of Bay of Bengal (BoB) on 25.04.2019 intensifying into a Severe Cyclonic Storm over southeast & adjoining the southwest Bay of Bengal. It intensified into

The Battle is not yours but God’s

The Battle is not yours but God’s 2nd Chronicles 20:15 c Life is a Battle. Every day we are fighting many battles in our lives: It may be mentally, physically, or emotionally. Sometimes we won and sometimes we lost our battle. Many times we asked God, why you allowed these challenges in my life, though I am your children. One day the king of Judah  Jehoshaphat faced the same situation. Though he was a God-fearing king, he never trusted in his own power, but he trusted the power of God. God rewarded his faith and give him victory over the largest numbers of the enemy. Let's look at a few key points of Jehoshaphat's life from the  2nd Chronicles chapter 20 , and understand how we can apply it in our life too .   The Hebrew meaning of Jehoshaphat "Jehovah has judged"; according to 1 Kings 15:24, he was the son of Asa, and the fourth king of the Kingdom of Judah. He was a good king, He did all righteous work before God; during his time he

Book Reviews

Book Review 1 Book Name: Ministry Gifts (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers) Author: Dr. A.L. Gill A.L. Gill has a Master of Theological Studies degree. A.L. has an earned Doctor of Philosophy in Theology degree. He is a wonderful teacher and preacher, his ministry is functioning in 90 countries. He is known as Preaching, teaching, and healing ministry all over the world. Which challenging news for a contemporary theologian student. As a theological student, I can understand the problem of our beliefs and scientifically believe. Many theological criticizing today miracle workers who are doing a miracle in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let's starts our Journey with this book and we will try to understand the author's view.                                                   Gill Emphasises on Fivefold ministry, according to Ephesians 4:8-11. The Gifts God gave to churches or believers both man and woman; which called five-fo

Re-Reading Ezekiel and Deutero-Isaiah

Re-Reading The Book of  Ezekiel and Deutero-Isaiah Prophetic Response in the time of the Babylonian Exile Period (Mantosh Giri) 1. Introduction When we read these two books   "Ezekiel and Deutero-Isaiah", sometimes it is very difficult to understand; the one causes may be it's the background. To understand any books in the bible, it's background and context is most important. Sometimes many preachers did big mistakes during delivering the word of God in churches. Without understanding the context and the proper background, hermeneutically they just delivering the word of God; so, many times the real message unable to enter into people's hearts. Though bible interpreting is a very difficult task and it takes so many times, but if we can able to understand it's context, then it will be easier for interpreting in our context. We all know that Hebrew is the original script of the Old Testament.  Slowly it has translated into our own languag