Bible Reading John Chapter 16


Reading John Chapter-16


John 16:1-4

Jesus informed to His disciples, after his leaving,  two things are going to come in their (disciples) lives; the first one is the persecution and the second is, supports and comfort of the Holy Spirit. One way persecution brings discouragement; on other side encouragement of the Holy Spirit; it because, so they are able to continue their duty without turn back. Yes, it is true that, when Persecution comes, it brings a great discouragement for us. It can happen anywhere “You will be thrown out of the synagogue. In fact, a time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing God a favor”. The Persecutors are thinking, by throwing them out from the synagogue or by killing them, they are doing all in favor of God; but the truth is, it’s happening because you know God and our Lord Jesus Christ and the persecutors are not. “The servants of Christ should be considered not only as sheep for the slaughter but as sheep for the altar too.” Our Persecution can be considered a part of our worship. Killing someone, can consider as a part of the worship/sacrifice to God or it can consider they are the enemy of God? The root of the persecution we found here “ignorance of God and Christ, and because of the real nature of Christianity”. Those who ignorant Christ, they don’t have the right knowledge of God. Today we are practicing traditions and different kinds of philosophy and ignoring Christ, actually, we are ignoring God.  

Q. In today's context many people persecute Christianity, they killed innocent women, children, and tribal people in the name of their goddesses, and its happening whole over the world. Many terrorist groups killing innocent people in Syria, Iran, Afganistan, and other parts of the world, in the name of their belief system. Can it consider as, real sacrifice/worship towards their god and goddesses?

Q. Are they (the persecutors) knowing God?

John 16:7-11

It says that when he (Holy Spirit) will come, he will prove that the world's peoples were guilty. He will prove their guilt concerning sin and godliness and judgment (v. 8). Holy Spirit plays the role of an advocate in order to respect Christ and his gospel, through convincing the world of sin,  because they do not accept Christ, and His righteousness [the innocence and holiness]; and by confirming the apostles’ testimony of him, by signs and miracles, and various gifts imparted to them,; and by pleading their cause before kings and rulers, and against all their adversaries, In respect of the apostles and the faithful he also did the part of a comforter, as being sent for their consolation and support in all their troubles, filling their hearts with joy and gladness and giving them an inward testimony of God’s love to them, and an assurance of their future happiness, Rom 8:15-16.” The moving by the spirit means, moving by love. The gift of the Holy Spirit given to us, so that we bring glory for Christ. 

Q. Am I able to bring glory for Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit? or I am ignoring Him?

John 16:12-15

So far we able to see, the good shepherd's nature of our Lord. He is not going to leave His sheep alone. He promised to His followers about the sending of the Holy Spirit. In another way, we can see the nature of the Holy Spirit as an: advocate, teacher, reminder, guider, comforter, and the helper. Yes, it is true the physical presence of Jesus is limited after His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, but we can get the same feeling with the presence of the Holy Spirit. The task of the holy spirit: first is, He will continue the work of Jesus through His followers, and the second one is, Spirit of Truth, he would reveal and glorify Jesus and give them to understand the truth about Jesus with both word and action. V. 12, shows us about the weakness of their (followers) understanding. Why they are weak to understand about it? First is, their expectation from Jesus as Messiah, and temporary present kingdom; the second, their present situation: rejection, current law, Jewes culture, against gentile and under the Roman government. It also happens many times in our life, we love to except many things from Jesus according to our needs and understanding. But, Jesus is not going to fulfill their desire according to their understanding, but the holy spirit will reveal the truth in front of them according to God's wills. That's why. our Lord was silent at that particular time because they could not able to handle it. Due to our worldly view, many times we are not able to understand the spiritual things, but the spirit of God will give us understanding and power to see God wills in our life; because, He will speak on behalf of God, to glorify Christ. V 15, All that belongs to the Father is mine. What is the meaning of that? That means  Father’s: all wisdom, power, and goodness, truth, justice, mercy, and grace are mine (Jesus); yea, in me dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Could any creature say this? This is the fullness of Christ, which means He is God. 

Q. As we are believing God, what should be our expectations from Him? 

Q. What are the obstacles before me, that I am not able to understand God's expectations from my life?

John 16: 16-24

Jesus preparing His disciples for the upcoming His death; the separation between Jesus and His disciples for a little while; but Jesus was never stopped here, He comforted His disciples with a word, After a little while you will see me with glorification with my Father. This is the uniqueness of our Lord, He able to understand the pain of our heart; so that he promised to His disciples I will return to you after a little while to complete their Joy. He used the analogy of childbirth, how a mother forgets all pain after seeing her child. The mother's womb and childbirth can be compared to Jesus's tomb and His resurrection. We can get one clear picture here, the Joy is permanent but the pain is for a little while.

Our Lord's nature we can found here:

a) Informing about upcoming events,

b) He is preparing disciples for the upcoming events,

c) Lord is reflecting on our pain through His truthful comforting words,

d) Lord is going to give reword those who are painfully waiting for Him;

e) He is transforming our lives with a permanent solution (Your sorrow will turn into joy).

V. 24 is talking about asking father in my name; why should we ask in Jesus's name? First, is we need to understand who is Jesus and why He came on this earth, and how He used to pray to His father.?The answer will be Jesus is the mediator between mankind and God; He came on this earth with a mission, to fulfill God's mission on this earth; We can see in the bible how Jesus was praying to His father, the same way he also teaches to His disciples how to pray. Jesus allows us to ask for anything to father like Jesus. That's means if we need to continue Jesus's mission on this earth, also we need to continue Jesus's prayers also. And it will grant from heavenly father, as Jesus's prayer was granted. Because prayer is the central relationship to tribute God.  Jesus wants to give us full authority, with a full transformation; So that our joy may be complete.

In today's context, we may face many challenges in Christian mission work as a pastor or missionary, but it is informed by our Lord before so that we can prepare ourselves. We need to continue God's mission on this earth: by doing Justice to the weaker one; helping the needy one and spreading God's love whole over the world. Our reword and eternal peace is with Him. As followers of Christ, Jesus allowed us to ask anything from God, to fulfill God's mission on this earth.  

Q. In today's context, how should I wait for the Lord?

Q. Am I asking God through my prayer; as Christ was asking?

John 16: 25-28

Jesus' speeches method divided into two parts; the first one is figurative speech, through parables; the main audience of the figurative speech is the local people. The second method is private speech, the main audience of the private speech is His disciples. Jesus' main goal was, to give then understanding spiritual things, but time will come to the holy spirit will them understand directly (v.26). In Verse 26 to 28, we can see Jesus's life summary and mission in this world; "I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world and go to the Father (v. 28)." This verse shows us Jesus's pre-existence nature (John 1: 1, 14), Now he is in this world, after His death, burial, restriction, and ascension he is going to return to his father. He reminded to his disciples about God's love, and how much He concern about their prayers. We can see here another nature of Love  "Listening and Responding". Only listening is not enough, but responding also most important. Jesus assured them, he is ready to give an answer. One thing we can notice over here Jesus reminding many times about father and His love. This is the best nature of a good teacher so that one day his student can achieve the Goal. In today's context, this is the work of a biblical teacher/pastor, reminding students/congregation about the love of God. One time teaching is not enough, but many times reminding is really works. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)." We can see the disciple's work after Jesus, because of Jesus and the Holy Spirit's reminding nature. 

Q. Am I reminding myself, God's word every day?
Q. Am I reminding god's word every time, to my listeners?

John 16: 29-32

We can see in verses (v. 29-30), One way,  the disciples are telling to Jesus that, we able to understand you very well; in another way "Jesus telling to His disciples, do ye now believe", That I came from God, and I am true Messiah? That means Jesus did not see perfect faith in disciple's life. That's why Jesus told his disciples, the test will come, and your faith will be shaken; they will leave Jesus alone and scattered into their own place. Why the disciples haven't had enough faith, why they are still in fear after knowing the truth?  The answer may in various ways: maybe because of human tendency and human nature, lack of love, weakness, lack of knowledge, and understanding or fear. Though we are unworthy, but he chooses us to use for His glory. That's why He sent the Holy Spirit to give us strength and understanding. 

Q. Do you feel weak to continue God's mission on this earth?

John  16:33

Verse 33, summarises of whole 16th chapter. Jesus is promised peace and victory in the midst of persecution. Jesus is going back to His Father through the death and resurrection and ascension, Jesus will send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God will be the comforter and protector of the followers. As Jesus overcome the world and His teaching will strengthen and encourage His followers till his second coming. 

Q. In the midst of trouble, how  I  should react? 



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