
Showing posts from 2021


As a Christian should I take the Medicine?

  Mantosh Giri Taking medicine is not a SIN, but we should trust in God, not Medicine. All the knowledge comes from God. I strongly believe that healing comes from God. If it is God’s will we can get divine heal without any medicine. If you see in the good Samaritan story (Luke 10:25-37), Jesus appreciated the “Samaritan” man and said about him good “neighbor”, because he cares that victims with mercy, and medicines. In Verse 34-35 says, “He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.” Verse 37 says “Go and do likewise.” Medicine should not take, teaching is wrong teaching. Medicine not taking is a foolish act, but yes if you have a strong belief, the Holy Spirit will lead you about all things, it cannot apply to all. We should not test our God on it. But according to the situation, God will answer our prayer, through medicine, doctor, donor, helpers, surgery, work of healing, and self

Why Jesus was teaching to the people of Israel through Parable?

Matthew: 13:10-17 Mantosh Giri It Because of their doubt in the Lord. Jewish people were mainly traditional people. They thought only through obeying the Mosaic Law, they can satisfy God, but their heart was far away from God. God was unhappy with their ritual practice because they were involved in injustice, and sinful work to the poor, widow, orphan, and women. Due to their injustice work, God punished the Jewish people, which we could see in the Old Testament. Matthew presented Jesus as KING. We could see the situation of Jewish people in this particular chapter. The context was Jewish leaders involved in state politics, and general citizens are facing problems from both Roman Empires (Financially: Tax) & Jewish Leader (Socially, Religiously). They were waiting for a Messiah, who will come, and give them relief from all kinds’ pain. But when they see Jesus Christ, their expectation has become very high, it because of Jesus’ work of power and teaching. They thought Jesus will be

Serve First, and Lead Second (Servant Leadership)

  Serve First, and Lead Second            Mantosh Giri   Introduction: A few years ago I visited one of the Buddhist temples in Bhubaneswar, before entering the temple, I have seen one man set over there, and he washed my feet with the water. In John Chapter 13:4-14 we could see the most familiar passage, Jesus washing the feet of His Disciples. Though Jesus is the Son of God and a great leader on earth, but He shows His highest servant-hood nature in action. It leads to entitle my topic "Serve first, and lead second." Verse Analyze: V.V.  4-6, Jesus demonstrated Himself as a servant Lord, as he started washing the feet of disciples. V.V.  7-10, we could see the conversation between Peter and Jesus, at first Peter, doesn't want to allow the Lord to wash his feet, but Jesus answered to Peter, “Unless I wash you, you have no share with me” (V. 8). In verse 10v. Jesus told to Peter “ And you are clean, though not all of you”. These can be interpreted as one way, peter