
Showing posts from August, 2020

Madhba Seba hi manab seba

Jesus' Incarnation in South Asia Context (John 1:7-12)

Jesus' Incarnation in South Asia Context John 1:7-12   (Mantosh Giri) Introduction This exegesis paper dealing with John 1:7-12.   This passage analyzed in both wider and immediate context as well as present South Asia context.   These passages all about Jesus’ incarnation, from Word ( logos ) to human form. The Word (logos ) incarnation interpreted in the Indian Hindu context as Avatar. How Jesus is the eternal avatar for the salvation of mankind?     1. Wider Context   The fourth evangelist began his Fourth Gospel with “cosmic pre-existence hymn of the Word;” Word and its relation world rather than the story of Jesus birth (Matt 1:1-2:23; Luke 1:1-18) or with the proclamation of the John the Baptist (Mark 1:1-8; cf. John1:6-8, 15). Here “Word” Logos used in Christological terms. The Fourth Gospel began with the celebration of Jesus hymnic origin and his coming into the world. [1]   2. Immediate Context   The Fourth Gospel starts with forms of independent hymn (