
Showing posts from September, 2020

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) of India

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) of India Mantosh Giri 1. What is NGO? The meaning of NGO is “ non-governmental  organization”, it is a non-profit group and it functions independently. 3. What are the purposes of an NGO? The purpose of N GO, to do social works voluntarily for the society or community in their various issues like legal, environmental, cultural, social, science, art, etc. It can be operated by any citizen of India with registration under  state and central government.  Without registration also we can do social work, but registration gives us a legal right to contribute to nation-building. All NGO registered for charitable purposes. Whatever profit NGO earned, it should be utilized for social work. The main motive of NGO is social work, not profit.   3. What are the types of NGO registration? There are three types of NGO registration:  Trust,  Society & Section 8 company. (Three are called NGO) for NGO motive it important not types.  4. Trust Registration? Trust

Reflections on Teachers’ Day